Powerful Giving
The Newsletter of Raymond James Charitable
Welcome to Powerful Giving, an online newsletter designed to share Raymond James Charitable’s latest announcements and resources.
Thank you for your overwhelming generosity this giving season! With records made in all categories, the outpouring of support to your favorite charities and organizations has been tremendous!

- The team is working hard to get through all grant requests that did not qualify for auto-approval, and is currently working through those entered in mid-January. If you need a status update on your grant, please call us at 866.687.3863.
- Annual Contributor Summaries will be available in your online account in mid-February. These summaries list any contributions made by you in calendar year 2024 and can be used for tax deduction purposes. Note that the summary is generated based on the donor of the assets, not by account (i.e. if you personally made a contribution into your account and then made another contribution from a trust entity, that would generate two separate summaries. Summaries are only viewable online to the specific individual/donor (if you are a financial advisor or branch associate, the summary is not viewable to you in your online account, since you were not the donor). If you need help obtaining a summary, please email or call us at 866.687.3863.
- For tax deduction purposes, you can use the summary or the gift receipt that we mailed to you shortly after your contribution was processed. If you don’t have the physical copy, gift receipts are available in your online account (and viewable by financial advisors and branch associates) – navigate to Account Activity > Contribution Activity. Update the date range if necessary, then click “Print” in the far right column of the table of your contributions.
- If any user has not logged in to their online profile in over two years, their access was removed for security purposes. If you cannot log in, please email or call us at 866.687.3863 to restore your access.

Did You Know?
- You can name your DAF as beneficiary of your will, trust, IRA, annuity contract, life insurance policy, etc. This is an easy way to incorporate charitable giving into your planning. Upon your passing, funds would pass into your DAF, and then be handled based on your DAF succession plan. For example, if you named your children as successor donor advisors, the funds would be added to the DAF for them to decide on what charities to grant to over time. If you named specific charities as your succession plan and elected to send 5% of the DAF balance every year to them, as an example, our team would help facilitate those ongoing grants each year with the additional funding received in the DAF after your passing.
- To name your DAF as beneficiary:
- For a will or trust:
- The attorney should use our legal name “Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund” as the name of the beneficiary, and then can include “for the benefit of the…” and reference the DAF account name. For example, the document would read “I/We name as beneficiary the Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund for the benefit of the Smith Family Fund”.
- For an IRA, annuity contract or life insurance policy:
- Fill out the beneficiary designation form provided by the company where the account is established using the tax ID for RJ Charitable, 59-3652538.
- Please be sure to email us with a copy of the beneficiary designation form and/or portion of the will or trust document referencing RJ Charitable so we can maintain it in our records.